robin mamott

Instruments: Piano

Area of specialty: RCM Piano, Beginners/Intermediate Piano, Theory, Harmony

Robin started taking piano lessons at the age of five and by the age of 13 knew that she wanted to be in the world of music.  Robin played viola in high school and eventually was chosen to be the music director of a large school production in her senior year .  Robin started teaching kids by this time and knew that teaching was what she wanted to do.   Robin was one of the first classically trained students at York University's Dept. of Fine Arts (Music Major).  Playing in duo's, trios and many different group formats she discovered that she loved to play with other people.  York opened her eyes to world music.  Her passions include classical, blues, and classic rock.  A bright eyed and eager student is my passion in life !!


Top ten albums

1) Beatles – White Album
2) Steely Dan – Aja
3) Carole King – Tapestry
4) Tedeschi Trucks Band – Revelator
5) Beatles – Sgt. Pepper’s
6) Beatles – Let It Be
7) Beethoven Symphony #9
8) Stevie Wonder – Inner Visions
9) Miles Davis – Kind of Blue
10) Jimmy Hendrix – Experience

Best live music experience

Too many to answer but  I’ll go with Carole King and James Taylor (living room concerts)

Favourite Restaurant / Food

Indian, Mexican, Japanese and Chinese – The Indian Rice Factory and Lee

Favourite scale

Minor Harmonic & Blues scale

List all the instruments you can play

Piano, Piano, Piano and I used to play cello, viola and maybe 6 guitar chords (learned from Brian but I was  more interested in the man than the  instrument)

First musical experience

My grandfather  who was a TSO and CBC cellist had a  viola pegged for me so I could play it like a cello at age 3. Also sitting through  both TSO and  National Ballet rehearsals from 3-5 years of age.

Most influential artist

Paul McCartney

I like to teach because…

I love working with people – both kids and adults – and I gain great personal satisfaction when my students learn and improve

Favourite movie

Wizard of Oz

Why is music important to you?

Mostly because it truly soothes my soul. There is no better way to feel alive. Also, I feel that it is the only language that all people speak